Thursday, September 25, 2008

Unown Forms


Sprite Letter Word Pokémon Power Poké-Power
Image:201A.png A Anger Anger Analyze
Image:201B.png B Bear Bear Bounce
Image:201C.png C Chase Chase Call
Image:201D.png D Direct Dark Draw
Image:201E.png E Engage Engage Equip
Image:201F.png F Find Find Fake
Image:201G.png G Give Give Guard
Image:201H.png H Help Help Heal
Image:201I.png I Increase Increase Item
Image:201J.png J Join Join Junk
Image:201K.png K Keep Keep Kind
Image:201L.png L Laugh Laugh Link
Image:201M.png M Make Metal Magnet
Image:201N.png N Nuzzle Normal Nod
Image:201O.png O Observe Observe One
Image:201P.png P Perform Perform Put
Image:201Q.png Q Quicken Quicken Quick
Image:201R.png R Reassure Reassure Retire
Image:201S.png S Search Search Set
Image:201T.png T Tell Tell Throw
Image:201U.png U Undo Undo Unseen
Image:201V.png V Vanish Vanish Vacation
Image:201W.png W Want Want Wall
Image:201X.png X XXXXX XXXXX X-ray
Image:201Y.png Y Yield Yield Yawn
Image:201Z.png Z Zoom Zoom Zero
Image:201Question.png ?

Image:201Exclamation.png !


  • Unown D, M, and N are the only Unown that have a different word from their Pokémon Power
  • Unown U and W are the only Unown to have a Poké-Body instead of a Poké-Power

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